From what I can recall of my childhood years, night time is just another part of your day where you can accomplish the impossible. Think about it as having an addition 4–5 hours in the day to either complete homework, watch tv., take a shower, call your friend, eat Whataburger, go to Walmart, etc. We learned how night time was fun, and we could pretty much do anything we wanted as long as we were up in the morning ready for school. As I grew up, I realized there were other people different from me in this aspect. Some people go to sleep at 8:30 pm, 9:00 pm, or 11:00 pm. Wow. For me, it was a shocker, knowing that somewhere out there many normal people are sleeping at these crazy hours. I thought, “How boring! Why would you do this to yourself? When do you have fun? How do you accomplish everything you want to do for the day?”
However, now that I’m 30 -ish, I started realizing that my body is missing rest. It’s missing something that I’m not getting during the day. I slowly figured it was my lack of sleep and my night owl habits. I’ve tried everything (or at least I thought I did) to go to sleep at a decent time. Nothing helped.
Until yesterday, when I read Eduardo Mignot’s “How to Adopt a Sound Bedtime Routine.” Eduardo suggests a lot of tips to help you sleep earlier, thus increasing your restorative sleep. He gives you different ways to adopt a new bedtime routine.
Here’s what I tried from his recommendations:
- I completely turned off my cell phone. Yes, it was super hard to do, but I wanted to go through the whole process of sleeping routines.
- I lit a candle.
- I took a long warm shower.
- I applied Neutrogena Hydro Boost as my nightly face routine.
- I drank a Sweet Dream Herb tea.
- While I sipped on my tea, I read “I’m not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter” by Erika L. Sanchez.
- After 20 minutes, I was getting sleepy, so I placed my book on my night stand, turned off the light, and never once did I turn on my phone or tv.
I fell asleep around 11:20 pm.
This is how a Medium author helped me find a night routine that fits my style and encouraged me to try something that was never a norm for me.
Thank You.
If you would like to read his story that changed my night, click on the link below!