I’m 31 years old and today, I learned a lesson.
For the longest time, I’ve taken pancakes for granted. I’ve eaten them when I was younger by mom’s amazing cooking, from IHOP which are my absolute favorite, (strawberry banana pancakes, which I split with my husband every time), from Dennys (which they suck, but whatever), and from a few other places. However, I don’t crave them, I don’t think about them. In fact, I don’t count them as a breakfast meal. For me, they’re a side, like mashed potatoes or green beans. I’ve taken pancakes for granted. Real story.
However, for the past two weeks, I’ve been craving them. (No, I’m not pregnant, just simply craving some simple plain pancakes). I’ve asked a particular person for these. I don’t make pancakes, period. And if yall know me at all, know that cooking is not my forte. I stick to the usual, and I learn a recipe a year. So….I wanted this person to make me some pancakes. For TWO WEEKS. Today, as I was waiting for someone to make the pancakes for me, I thought, “Why can’t you make your own damn pancakes?” And that’s when it clicked…..
I went into the pantry and got the pancake mix. I looked at the instructions and oh my Lord, simple. How simple. Why would I ask someone to do my pancakes for me? I’ve always been very independent, and can pretty much figure out anything I want or have to do. Why did it take me so long to figure out pancakes? I think for the longest, we (women) have been told to depend on someone or something. For everything! It’s in our brain system. We constantly keep telling our girls that we need someone at all the time for safety. I see young girls waiting for the guy that they can depend on for everything! In most of my conversations with acquaintances or friends, they talk about how much money someone makes, how they dress, the material stuff, that in the grand scheme of things, has little value. It’s very disappointing to see that we depend so much on other people. (Yes, I’m all about collaboration, cooperations, togetherness, etc.etc.) But, we need to set higher expectations for ourselves. If you need something, go get it! If you want it, go work for it! Don’t expect to receive without working for it.
Instead, find out what you want. (In my case, pancakes). Two, research (see below for pancake recipe). Three, ACT on it (go make the damn pancakes). Don’t wait for the world to fall in place. Don’t take the easy route for safety. Take the route that you envision for yourself. Ask yourself, “What is true and beautiful?” (Glennon Doyle, Untamed, p.68)
Here’s the pancakes recipe I tried today:
Mix 1 1/3 cups of water with 1 cup of Pioneer Pancake & Waffle Mix. Place it on a pan for 1.5 minutes per side or until cooked.
I’ve learned today not to wait on anyone, or anything in life. I’ll be going after what I want, as simple as making pancakes.